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ID# Title Job Type Location Contact Name Num Openings Salary Full-time/Part-time Deadline Continuous?
1316 High School Principal (2025-2026)
25-26 School Year
Certificated Grades 9-12 Mrs. Candy Yeager 1 $90,280- $127,263 Full-time No
1323 Anticipated 2025-2026 Certified Life Skills Teacher Grades K-2
Certificated James Street Elementary Mrs. Shalonda Washington 1 $49,543 - $60,243 Full-time No
1320 Anticipated 2025-26 - Certified Teacher Grades 3-5
Certificated Coldspring Intermediate Mrs. Paula McClendon 1 $49,543 - $60,243 Full-time No
1319 Anticipated 2025-26 - Certified Teacher Grades 6-8
Certificated Lincoln Junior High Mrs. Courtney Robison 1 $49,543 - $60,243 Full-time No
1321 Anticipated 2025-26 - Certified Teacher Grades 9-12
Certificated Coldspring-Oakhurst High School Dr. Elizabeth Klammer 1 $49,543 - $60,243 Full-time No
1318 Anticipated 2025-26 - Certified Teacher Grades PK-2
Certificated James Street Elementary Mrs. Shalonda Washington 1 $49,543 - $60,243 Full-time No
1286 Bus Driver
Classified Transportation Mrs. Tammy Caldwell 1 $19.11 - $25.76 Full-time No
1314 Certified Art Teacher - Grades 9-12
Certificated Dr. Elizabeth Klammer 1 $49,543 - $60,243 based on experience Full-time No
1315 Certified Teacher - Secondary Mathematics (grades 9-12)School Year 2025-2026
School Year 2025-2026
Certificated Coldspring Oakhurst High School Dr. Elizabeth Klammer 1 $49,543 - $60,243 Full-time No
1304 Culinary Arts Instructor Grades 9-12
Other Coldspring-Oakhurst High School Dr. Elizabeth Klammer 1 $49.543 - $60,243 Full-time No
1317 Paraprofessional - ABU Aide
Certificated JSE/CIS Mrs. Jennifer Rudloff 1 $10.80 - $15.52 Full-time No
1322 Payroll/Benefits Coordinator
Business Office Mr. JW Kirkham and Mrs. Candy Yeager 1 $38,892.56 - $52,902.16 Full-time No
9 Police Officer - Part Time
District Wide Chief Angela Allen $22.88/hour Part-time No
181 Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
Certificated District Mrs. Jennifer Rudloff 1 $45,462 - $64,083 Full-time No
1288 Substitute Bus Driver
Transportation Mrs. Beverly Tucker $17.00/hour Part-time No
1291 Substitute Bus Monitor
Transportation Mrs. Beverly Tucker $10.00 Part-time No
8 Substitute Child Nutrition
Child Nutrition Mrs. Amanda Dunaway $10.00/hour Part-time Yes
1289 Substitute Custodial Department
District Wide Mrs. Tasha Reed $10.00/hour Part-time No
1290 Substitute Maintenance Department
District Wide Mrs. Tracy Blair $10.00/hour Part-time No
1287 Substitute Nurse or Nurse Aide
District Wide Mrs. Erika Hukill $100/day Yes
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