Helios Help

Review Applications in the Job Portal

Once you are on the school's Job Portal, select the Log in link at the top of the page.

You will be taken into the admin side of the portal.

Review Applications

Exam Scoring

Manage Applications and Scoring

If you want to manage all applications click on Helios Job Portal and then select Manage All Applications

Next to each application is a vertical set of three dots. If you click on those dots, you can see more options for that application, including the option to View Application.

You can also select View Logs to view the communication logs with the applicant, Copy Application if you think this candidate would be a better fit for another job, or Delete Application to delete the application.

Questionnaire Avg stars indicate roughly how well the applicant meets the minimum requirements based on answers to the questionnaires for the job. Four stars means the applicant meets all the minimum requirements.

If you click the number under # Ref Checks, you can see the references submitted for the applicant.

When you click the applicant name, you will be shown the application detail.

Send Reference Checks

If you check an applicant or applicants, you can click Send Reference Checks, select the appropriate email template (you might have created one just for reference checks). Even with the template selected, you have the option to customize the body of the email message before sending.

Schedule Interviews

If you check an applicant or multiple applicants, and then click Schedule Interviews, you can drag the applicants to various time slots, and then click Send Invitations to send an email. As with the reference checks, you'll have the option to select an email template and modify the body of the email before sending.

Reference Checks

Reports and Analytics

Helios has pre-built reports and analytics to help you manage your jobs and applications process. Simply select the report you wish to see, and it will appear. Below is a sample of these reports and analytics.