Helios Help

Employee Evaluations Guide

To work with evaluations, login to the Employee Portal using either your employee ID and password or your single sign on credentials from your school or district.

Once logged in, click on the Evaluations link from the left menu.


Starting a New Review

You can start and work on any self-reviews or goal setting if this option is offered by your school or district. To start a new evaluation, follow the steps below:


1. In the first blank row, fill in the Eval Date and choose the evaluation type from the Type dropdown. Other fields are optional and are informational only.
2. Click the Save button at the top left.
3. Once it saves, it will show up as the second row. Click on Do Review link to the right of that row.
4. The evaluation will open in a new window. Then you can start completing the evaluation. Use the Save button to save the evaluation and come back to it to continue working on it. Use the Sign and Submit button to finalize it. If you would like your supervisor or principal to review and make changes, then just save the evaluation and do not Sign and Submit. Signing the evaluation will lock it from further changes.

Reviewing Evaluations and Entering Comments

When your supervisor or principal submits an evaluation for you, you can see them in the Evaluation Employee Comments section.


Click on the Enter Comments link to the right of each evaluation to review it.

A new window opens up with the evaluation. You can view and print the evaluation as shown below.


If you wish to enter any comments regarding the evaluation (and not a rebuttal), enter them in the Employee Comments box as above.

To enter a rebuttal for the evaluation, check the I wish to submit a rebuttal for this evaluation checkbox. A text box will appear for you to enter your rebuttal. If you check the box to submit a rebuttal then you need to enter your rebuttal in the box below.


Once you are done, click on Sign and Save button to save your comments and rebuttal and sign the evaluation.