Helios Help

Creating Questions and Questionnaires in the Job Portal

The question bank allows you to create questions for job applicants and place them into a questionnaire. The way it works is:

  1. First, you create a question or if the question already exists then you can skip this step
  2. Next, you add the question to a Questionnaire, which is a list of questions
  3. Then you attach the Questionnaire to a job posting

Jobs Portal Admin

Once you are on the school's Job Portal, select the Log in link at the top of the page.


You will be taken into the admin side of the portal.

Question Bank

To edit the question bank, click on Admin and select Questions.



Once you have the questions you need in the question bank, you can either add or edit a questionnaire to use the questions from the question bank.


To add or edit questionnaires, go to Admin and then select Questionnaires.


To add a new questionnaire, click the Add New button.