Helios Help

Absence Calling Employee Guide

You can report an absence using the Helios employee portal online or via a phone number. Please refer to the Employee Portal guide on this topic for how to report an absence online. This guide will tell you how to call in to report an absence.

  1. Dial the number provided by your school/district
  2. Press 1 to report an absence
  3. Enter your registered home or cell phone number
  4. Enter your PIN. If you are calling for the first time, your PIN will be your birth date in mmddyyyy format without the slashes. For example, if your birth date is 2/3/1980 your PIN will be 02031980.
  5. To enter the date of absence, press 1 for the same or next day, 2 for the day after, or 3 to enter another date
  6. If you wish to enter another date to report the absence for, enter the date in mmddyyyy format
  7. Next, press 1 if you are out for the whole day or 2 to select a start and end time
  8. To enter start and end time, enter the start time and end times in hhmma where hh is hour, mm is minute, a is 0 for AM and 1 for PM. For example, if the start time is 8:00 AM and end time is 3:00 PM, then enter 0800-0-0300-1 (no dashes).
  9. Next, enter reason for absence based on the options given
  10. Next, press 1 if a substitute is needed or 2 if not needed
  11. It will then save the absence so wait to hear the message that the absence has been saved successfully
  12. You can now hang up or press 4 to review upcoming absences briefly